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Community Reward Program
Liquity V1
Liquity V2
Bojan Pecek
June 10, 2022
Community Reward Program

As part of our initiative to raise the awareness about Liquity, we are excited to announce the launch of our Community Reward Program.

This program will reward any contribution from the community which helps raise awareness, adoption, usability, etc.. This will be an ongoing initiative, allocating 3’000 LQTY every month.

We would also like to allocate 5’000 LQTY retroactively. This is to thank users for their past efforts and support, and to showcase their work as examples of good contributions. 






When does the grant start?

On July 1st 2022 and will then proceed monthly until announced otherwise. 

What kind of contributions are suitable?

In principle, any contribution by our users that bring value to the Liquity ecosystem, increases awareness and adoption. See the examples above. Going forward, we only reward contributions which are live/posted, not older than a month and have been built by users on their own initiative.

What kind of contributions are not eligible?

  • Partnerships, collaborations or contributions by companies are not eligible, those activities should be discussed on a case by case basis. 
  • Any recycling of already posted content (overviews, basic explainers…)
  • Podcasts where we are the guest
  • Shilly, pump the price content

How can I submit my contribution?

The start of the submission period will be announced on our social channels so make sure to follow. Timing will be towards the end of each month.

How much LQTY will I receive? 

There is a monthly allocation of 3'000 LQTY; this allocation is denominated in LQTY, but paid out in ETH. How much individuals receive depends on several factors like the quality, scope, impact of your work, and also what the other contributions in the same month did. But it mainly comes down to the value generated for Liquity users and the reach it had. 

Where does the money come from?

It comes from the “Community Reserve” which received 2’000’000 LQTY upon genesis.

Who will be the jury?

The decision on allocation size will be made within the Liquity team. The voting will not be public and at the discretion of the team. The team may also adjust the grant guidelines if it sees fit. 

If all funds will not be used in a given month they will migrate into the following one.