There is an issue affecting Stability Pools (“Earn”). Please read this announcement
Introducing LiquiFrens - A new Liquity Community Program
Liquity V1
Liquity V2
January 24, 2023
Introducing LiquiFrens - A new Liquity Community Program

After the success of our Community Grant Program Liquity, is happy to announce a new initiative - LiquiFrens: a program that aims to grow further an active Liquity community enhancing the protocol’s ecosystem.

We are convinced we have a strong and engaged community supporting Liquity’s values and vision. Yet, some members might have great ideas but lack the resources to bring them to life.

LiquiFrens will address that - it will provide funding for user-made proposals. LQTY holders will vote on which proposals get funded, thus giving LQTY holders a new mechanism to steer activities in the ecosystem in their desired direction.

Who can participate?

Anybody that is aligned with the value and mission of Liquity: providing a public good in a credible neutral way that is open to all users - trustless, transparent, permissionless and unstoppable.

What initiatives are eligible?

Anything the community perceives as beneficial to the Liquity ecosystem. Here are some suggestions for inspiration, but please do feel free to think outside the box if it helps you realize the three goals mentioned below:

A — Increase the awareness of Liquity and borrowing volume

  • Present Liquity in newsletters, events, spaces, etc.
  • Target specific user groups (LATAM, Asia, Islamic Finance, etc.)
  • Create docs, education, and support in different languages

B — Increase utility of LUSD and LQTY

  • Grow LUSD & LQTY integrations with relevant DeFi protocols
  • FIAT on/off ramp and card integrations
  • Provide analytics, monitoring, and accounting tools

C — Grow liquidity for LUSD and LQTY

  • Any initiatives to maximize LUSD liquidity availability, such as growing LUSD x*y=k liquidity on DEXes (such as Balancer LUSD/wETH/LQTY pool or LUSD/ETH pools)
  • Improve LUSD/LQTY liquidity on DEXs. (stable and non-stable pools like e.g. LUSD/ETH)
  • LUSD/LQTY listing on CEXs
  • New use cases for  LUSD/LQTY LPs, such as, e.g. GearBox enabling LUSD/3CRV LP to leverage their position.

This program will run for a test period of 3 months, upon which Liquity AG will decide if and in which way to continue with it. The Liquity AG treasury will not vote on proposals and leave the decisions to LQTY holders.

Liquifrens Governance Structure & Parametrization

Liquifrens will use Snapshot, offering gasless voting in order to maximize participation.

To learn more about how the proposal framework, voting, and execution works in more detail, please visit our Discord and Discourse forum.