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Liquity GR9 Hackathon Winners
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Liquity GR9 Hackathon Winners

Kolten Bergeron

April 3, 2021

Last month we sponsored the Gitcoin Grants Round 9 hackathon where we made three bounties available with 4.8 ETH in prizes:

Today, we’re excited to announce the winners of each bounty!

Redemption Arbitrage Bot

The winner of the Redemption Arbitrage Bot bounty is chris124567. You can find their submission here.

It works by checking prices from the Uniswap pair and the Chainlink oracle every block. If LUSD is sufficiently cheaper on Uniswap, then the bot will calculate how much it would get by swapping ETH for LUSD on Uniswap after slippage.

It will then pass the result of that calculation to redeemLUSD and generate the relevant transaction data for the arbitrage smart contract. This smart contract will transfer the specified amount of WETH to Uniswap, execute the swap for LUSD, then redeem the LUSD through the TroveManager contract.

Maker to Liquity Migration Tool

The winner of the Maker to Liquity Migration Tool bounty is theonlyfoxy. You can find their submission here.

This tool works by using Uniswap to take out a DAI flash loan, fully repays and closes the user’s Maker vault, opens a Trove on Liquity using the ETH released from the Maker vault, exchanges the borrowed LUSD for DAI , and uses the DAI to repay the flash loan.

Open ended: Best Liquity Tool / Integration

The winner of our open ended bounty is masaun. You can find their submission here.

Masuan’s submission for this bounty is a shared Trove on Liquity. The tool allows users to pool together their ETH collateral in order to open a Trove — reducing the minimum debt per user, since by default minimum debt is 2,000 LUSD / Trove. The more user’s per shared Trove, the less the minimum debt becomes a burden for users.

Congratulations to all three winners! 🎉

We’re extremely grateful that you all took the time to experiment with Liquity throughout this event and hope you enjoyed the hackathon. We’re looking forward to taking part in many more hackathons in the future and getting Liquity into the hands of more builders.

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