There is an issue affecting Stability Pools (“Earn”). Please read this announcement
Liquity — Weekly Wrap Up #18
Liquity V1
Liquity V2
Kolten Bergeron
October 25, 2021
Liquity — Weekly Wrap Up #18

Welcome to the Weekly Wrap Up, a weekly series where we go over all of the highlights within the Liquity ecosystem. This issue covers the week of 10/18–10/24. 

What is Liquity? Liquity is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Learn more.

System Overview
  • A couple of weeks ago Liquity hit an all time high in the total number of Troves by crossing the previous all time high of 1,132 set in early May. Since then Liquity’s Trove count has continued to rise and recently hit 1,201 total Troves. That makes 5 months of consistent growth since the crash on 5/19 liquidated over half of Liquity’s positions.
  • The good news doesn’t stop there. Using the breakdown above, we can see that ~50% of Liquity’s users are now borrowing for use cases other than depositing to the Stability Pool. Meanwhile, only ~20% of users are borrowing and depositing directly to the Stability Pool.
  • We can also see this trend manifesting in LUSD’s utilization breakdown. Stability Pool dominance is at an all time low of 68.2% and appears to be in a firm down trend. This is a positive development in the Liquity ecosystem since it means other use cases are beginning to gain meaningful traction. 


  • Instadapp users can now deposit their LUSD to B.Protocol’s Stability Pool integration. Details here
  • OlympusDAO has posted TAP-5: Whitelist Liquity LUSD Stability Pool and LQTY Staking. This proposal will allow the DAO to deposit their LUSD to the Stability Pool and stake their earned LQTY. Read it here
  • The Liquity Fuse Pool is now available on Rari. Users can now supply / borrow LUSD and other stablecoins from this market. Find it here


  • On Thursday, Oct. 28, at 11am EST Robert Lauko will be joining Stefan from Reflexer and the Nexus Mutual team to discuss everything stablecoins. Info here
  • On Thursday, Oct. 28, at 11am EST Rick Pardoe (Co-Founder and Lead Engineer) and I will be discussing Liquity and how it uses oracles with the Chainlink team. Sign up here
  • Last week Derrick published a tutorial describing how to use LUSD on OlympusDAO. Read it here.  
  • DeFi Analyst, Korpi, posted a thread last week discussing LQTY’s value relative to its peers in the DeFi space. Read it here

Liquity Resources:

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